Road work - patching
Public Notice: It’s that time of year again for road work. Please reduce your speed and watch for the road maintenance crew patching potholes in the Village over the next few days.
Once the patch work is complete the roads will be assessed to determine if oiling will be required or not this year. Keep checking back to the website for updates.
Public Notice: Recycling Collection Schedule
Public Notice: Garbage Collection Schedule
Spring Clean-up 2021
Street Sweeping: Please note that weather and contractor availability , Street sweeping for the Village will be done on Saturday May 1 2021. Please make sure that you are not leaving vehicles parked on the road.
Thank you for your understanding and participation to clean up our community.
Council requests your input
The Village of North Grove Council has received notice of application for proposed residential subdivision within the RM of Dufferin. Please see the map below or click here
The Council of North Grove is concerned with the impact this proposal could have on our community’s infrastructure, road safety and carrying capacity of Buffalo Pound Lake. We as Council would like to hear from you.
Please voice your concerns or support in writing by either emailing ( or written letter to the office (5-1410 Caribou St W Moose Jaw SK S6H 7S9) by May 19 2021.
This will give us time to compile your letters and submit them to Community Planning, Government Relations on your behalf prior to the deadline.
Septic Hauling Notice
We have been asked to by our local septic haulers Olson and Sons Septic to pass this message on to the people in our community.
“An increase in fee structure is being put in place by the City of Moose Jaw, in the event we, the hauler, need to haul to Moose Jaw to dispose of the liquid waste you will see an increase on your pump out invoice” If you have any questions on this matter or to book a pump out please feel free to contact them.
Fire Ban Lifted
Please note that the fire ban has been lifted.
Due to the rating of EXTREME FIRE DANGER, the Village of North Grove advises that a complete fire ban is now in effect for the Resort Village. NO OPEN FIRES will be permitted during this time. This includes recreational fires, burning of leaves or other open fire sources. Outdoor natural gas or propane BBQ's or cooking appliances are permitted.
Your cooperation to abide by the ban is greatly appreciated.
Roads update
December 23 2020: Snow removal crew has been out since before 5:00 am to get the roads cleared for you. Please drive with caution and reduce your speed when approaching the snow plough.
ROAD UPDATE: Our Village roads are accumulating a lot of snow and with the wind causing snow drifts. The Council of North Grove would like to advise a TRAVEL NOT RECOMMENDED at this time. We will keep everyone updated as to when we will start clearing the snow.
December 22 2020 Snow Storm
Please be safe out there today. The snow storm has hit and is creating visibility concerns. Please note that it is dangerous to initiate a snow clearing program during a storm when visibilities are reduced. The snow removal team will be out once it stops snowing , and winds slow down.
Holiday Office Hours: closed December 21 and reopening January 4 2021
Thank you
The North Grove council would like to thank Terry for the exceptional effort and care he provided our Village as our contractor. We appreciate all the work that you have done for our Community and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
Upcoming winter weather
We are asking residents to please remove all personal items/vehicles/boat trailers/campers, etc. from along the side of the roadway over the weekend. The prediction is for a heavy snowstorm and we would ask for your help with the snow removal by ensuring the streets and ditches are obstacle free for the snow blower.
Getting to Know Saskatchewan's Local Government
November 9-15 is Local Government Week, a week to raise awareness and engagement in local democracy.
As part of Local Government Week, Saskatchewan’s Local Government Week Committee is offering a free virtual session for residents interested in learning more about local government in Saskatchewan. On November 12 at 6:30 p.m., join local government representatives for an open forum where you can ask your local government questions. Learn more and register online at
Local Government Week is a partnership between the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, Métis Nation - Saskatchewan, Municipalities of Saskatchewan, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, and the Saskatchewan School Boards Association.
Election Results for Councillor
Appendix C
[Clause 139(1)(b) of the Act]
Declaration of Results
for the election held on the 29 day of AUGUST, 2020 .
Names of Candidates Number of Votes or Acclamation/Elected
Jerry Cherneski – 56
David Jukes – 97 - ELECTED
Darrell Crabbe – 86 - ELECTED
Heather Spurr – 55
Charmaine Styles - 26
Number of rejected ballots, except those on which no vote was made: . ____0______
*Number of ballots counted but objected to:................................... ____0________
Spoiled: (e.g. Issued to a person who declined to vote) .................. ___0_________
Total number of voters who voted as indicated on each Form Z . __166________
I declare that this is an accurate statement of the votes cast for the office of Councillor for the Resort Village of North Grove
Tracy Edwards : Returning Officer
Dated this 29 day of August, 2020 .
Election Day What to Expect
When you arrive at the polling station you will be greeting by our polling staff . Please be respectful of the COVID-19 Health Guidelines. There will sanitizer available to be used prior to entering the voting area. Masks are not mandatory however are recommended. We will be limiting the amount of people in the voting space to ensure the 2 metres distancing. You will be given a pen to fill out the declaration. You may keep the pen or dispose of it in the box provided. You will also receive a pencil to mark your ballot. This you can keep this as well or dispose of in the box for it to be sanitized and recycled . If you have any questions prior to the election please feel free to contact the office.
Forms of ID accepted at the election
1. Acceptable Voter Identification
The purpose of the voter ID requirements is to maintain the integrity of local election processes. Your name and address must appear in some form on your voter identification documents. Bringing proper identification will ensure your voice is heard and will help your local election run as smoothly as possible.
Photo ID – Your BEST option to take to the polls
Acceptable photo identification is ID that is government-issued, valid and has your photo, name and address. If your identification does not meet these criteria, it will not be recognized as an acceptable form of photo identification.
Examples include:
a valid Saskatchewan driver's licence;
a valid Saskatchewan ID card issued by SGI or any motor licence issuer (available for $10 or free for seniors); or
any other valid government-issued photo ID issued by a Canadian government whether federal, provincial or municipal, or an agency of that government, so long as it includes your name and address.
For a complete list of acceptable identification, view Appendix D
A Canadian passport is not an acceptable form of photo identification because it does not contain your address. However, a Canadian passport can be used as identification if paired with another document that has your name and address on it.
Non-Photo ID options
If you don't have photo identification and are unable to obtain photo-ID before Election Day, you can present two other pieces of information, as long as both contain your name and at least one contains your address.
Examples include:
Valid ID cards or certificates issued by the Canadian or Saskatchewan government, a Saskatchewan municipality or school division, a Saskatchewan Indian band, the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan or an agency of one of these entities;
personal correspondence, benefit/contribution statements and tax/assessment notices issued by any of the above entities;
bank/credit union cards, credit cards and statements;
utility bills and statements issued within six months of the date of the election; and
personalized attestation of residence, letter of stay or admission form issued by a seniors or student residence, long-term care or shelter facility.
For a complete list of acceptable identification, view Appendix D