It has come to my attention that the noise bylaw on the website was missing the last page. This has now been updated and the Bylaw posted is complete..
Change of Date for August Council Meeting
Please note that the Council meeting has been changed to
Regular Council Meeting : Meeting Room 1 -1410 Caribou St W Moose Jaw
Thursday, August 13, 2020
9:00 AM 10:00 AM
Am I Eligible to Vote in the upcoming Election
Election Voting Eligibility : To vote in the Municipal election; you must meet the following criteria and sign an declaration on election day that:
1. You are a Canadian Citizen
2. You are at least 18 years of age on or before election day
3. You have not voted in the this election
You must also declare one of the following
a) you have resided for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the election in or on land now in the Resort Village of North Grove
b) you have been the assessed person with respect to property for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the election in or on land now in the Resort Village of North Grove
c) you are a spouse of a person in clause a or b
If you have any questions on your eligibility please feel free to contact the Village office 306 694-8300
Advanced Polls: August 20 2020 3 pm -7 pm (1410 Caribou St W Moose Jaw)
Election Day: August 29 2020 8am-9pm ( Village Shop, Daniel Drive, Resort Village of North Grove)
Fundraiser for Parks and Beach area in North Grove
If you have any recycling bottles you would like to donate please bring them down to the shop. All proceeds go towards the Village Parks and Beach development
Reschedule of recycling pick up
Recycling Bins will be emptied on Friday July 31. The Loraas truck had a break down today and is unable to empty the bin on the regular scheduled day. Thank you in advance for your understanding
Roads July 30-31
Notice of Advanced Poll
Notice of Advance Poll
Resort Village of North Grove
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that provision has been made for an advance poll for electors who wish to vote at the advanced polls for Two Councillors within the Resort Village of North Grove:
Candidates Running:
Jerry Cherneski
Darrel Crabbe
David Jukes
Heather Spurr
Charmaine Styles
Voting will take place on Thursday August 20 2020
between the hours of 3:00 pm and 7:00 p.m. at
Village office: 1410 Caribou St W, Moose Jaw, SK
Tracy Edwards: (Returning Officer)
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
Notice of Abandonment of Poll
Whereas a poll is not required pursuant to The Local Government Election Act for the office(s) of:
Mayor: Resort Village of North Grove
I hereby give public notice that no voting for the said office will take place and the following persons are elected by acclamation: Kevin Hembroff
Dated at Moose Jaw this 27 day of July, 2020.
Tracy Edwards Returning Officer
Notice of Poll
Notice of Poll
A poll has been granted for the election of TWO COUNCILLORS, RESORT VILLAGE OF NORTH GROVE and that voting will take place on Saturday, the 29th day of August, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the polling place listed below, and that I will, at the Village Office, on the 31st day of August, 2020 at the hour of 9:00 a.m., declare the result of the election.
Polling Place: Community Shop, Resort Village of North Grove
Dated at Moose Jaw, this 27th day of July, 2020
Tracy Edwards Returning Officer
Help Wanted: Election Workers
Workers are needed for the election to be held in North Grove on August 29 2020, These are paid positions.
To be eligible to work you must be a Saskatchewan resident (lived in SK for at least 6 months before the day the election) and at least 16 years of age.
Please contact the office if you are interested 306 694-8300 or
July 27-29 Road Work
Please note that the provision of needing a criminal record check attached to your nomination papers is no longer required. Nomination packages can be requested at the office by email, phone, or in person.
Reminder that Nomination Forms along with Criminal Record Checks, Public Disclosure Statements are due by Saturday July 25 2020 at 2:00 pm
Call for Nominations
Election 2020 webinar
Road Patching
ROAD WORK ALERT: The Village will be patching the roadway today. Motorists should be aware that construction personnel and equipment will be operating on the roadway.