Am I Eligible to Vote in the upcoming Election

Election Voting Eligibility : To vote in the Municipal election; you must meet the following criteria and sign an declaration on election day that:

1. You are a Canadian Citizen

2. You are at least 18 years of age on or before election day

3. You have not voted in the this election

You must also declare one of the following

a) you have resided for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the election in or on land now in the Resort Village of North Grove

b) you have been the assessed person with respect to property for at least three consecutive months immediately preceding the election in or on land now in the Resort Village of North Grove

c) you are a spouse of a person in clause a or b

If you have any questions on your eligibility please feel free to contact the Village office 306 694-8300

Advanced Polls: August 20 2020 3 pm -7 pm (1410 Caribou St W Moose Jaw)

Election Day: August 29 2020 8am-9pm ( Village Shop, Daniel Drive, Resort Village of North Grove)