Complete Fire Ban in Place




The Village of North Grove advises that a complete fire ban is now in effect for the Resort Village. No open fires of combustible material will be permitted during this time.

Your cooperation to abide by the ban is greatly appreciated.

Request for Quotations

The Village of North Grove is requesting quotations for the building of a “lean-to” addition to the Village Shop. located on Daniel Drive, Resort Village of North Grove. The dimensions of the addition would be approximate 40 ft by 12 ft (dirt floor) with a door at each end to accommodate small equipment or materials.

Please submit your quotes to the Village of North Grove office located at 5- 1410 Caribou St W , Moose Jaw SK , S6H 7S9 or via email to

Reminder Assessment Roll open until May 23 2019

Assessment Notice


Resort Village of North Grove


Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Resort Village of

North Grove for the year 2019 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1pm to 4pm on Monday through Thursday.


A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. 


Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $200.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Resort Village of North Grove 5 – 1410 Caribou St W. Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7S9, by the 23nd day of May 2019.


2019 July 3-4 Kids day Camp

North Grove Day Camp : July 3-4 2019 
The North Grove Summer Day Camp is an opportunity for children ages 5 years old and up within the North Grove community to get to know other children in the community, through crafts, games and recreational activities. Preregistration is required. Please contact Penny (306 692-8894) or the Village office at 306 694-8300. (please note that the first day you will be required to bring your lunch)


May 2019

The May long weekend is quickly approaching, which marks the beginning of the Lake season. Please note

* That the garbage bins are for household garbage only. All construction material is to be disposed of at cost of the developing property, and not in the regular 4 yard Loraas bins.

* The Village road has a weight limit of 8 tonnes (8000kg). Please insure that your hauler is aware that they will need an over-weigh permit to be on our roadway if the total weight of the truck and load may exceed this limit. ( top soil, rock, construction material etc) If you require a permit please contact the office at

Garbage Pick Up Update

Please note the following changes

  • Weekly garbage pick up for the first set of garbage bins begins the week of April 29 2019

  • Pick up of the last seven bins will be on call and moved to Weekly pick up following the May long weekend.

  • Large 30 yard bins for spring clean up will be delivered on May 13 2019 (one at the front bins and one back near the bin by the shop at the end of the Village)

The large 30 yard bins are placed in the Village for the use of North Grove residents only. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in neatly placing items in the containers to maximize available space. Please do not dispose of items such as tree cuttings, tires, stoves, fridges, or construction material.


Public Statement

The Village of North Grove Council has been monitoring the developments approved by the RM of Dufferin along the north side of Buffalo Pound Lake. The Glamping and Buffalo Vista Estates are developments within the Boundaries of the RM. The Council of North Grove has no authority to regulate how these developments proceed as they are not in our community boundary lines.


The motion being referenced in the November 2018 minutes intent is to open discussion with the RM of Dufferin as to what the future plans of the construction of roadways within their boundaries are placed and how the newly approved development users will have roadway access from the provincial highways.

The elected Council of North Grove is not in favour of extending Daniel Drive down the North side of the lake, North Grove Council  wishes to maintain an open line of communication with the RM of Dufferin in our continuing advocacy to reflect the best interests  of our North Grove residents.